Any content creator on OnlyFans or any other fan page knows that there are two main objectives that they are always working towards:
- Keeping their fans happy with new, quality content
- Finding new fans to subscribe to their content
The first one is a little easier to control – creators know what kind of content is going to appeal, and as long as they retain a consistent approach to posting and study ways to make their content better where possible, you shouldn’t suddenly crash and lose all of your subscribers.
But promoting your page to new people is hard. You can be the hardest working person at pushing your page out there to the masses but sometimes gain no traction. It’s really deflating when you’ve put huge amounts of time into it and not seen results.
This is why the idea of Guaranteed Gains has become quite popular. This is a promotion tool which, as the name suggests, gives guaranteed results. But it’s quite interesting – there are some people who seem to be having huge success with it, and others who keep running into brick walls.
So, what are Guaranteed Gains? How do you make the most of it? Read on to find out everything you need to know.
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What are Guaranteed Gains?
Guaranteed Gains are a type of promotion that people offer to content creators as a way of guaranteeing them new subscribers. Rather than hoping for an advert to convert into paid subscribers, this instead uses tracked free trial links.
The creator gets an agreed amount of new subscribers on a free trial and pays only for the actual subscribers they get, not just for the advert.
It has a lot of positives, and a lot of potential negatives, but it’s worth looking into if you’re struggling to get much traction from your own social media activity.
However, it isn’t right for everyone, so don’t be afraid to leave it alone if you aren’t comfortable with it.
How do Guaranteed Gains promotions work?
Here’s how a Guaranteed Gains promotion works:
- The creator who wants to grow their subscriber base sets up an advert on a special Telegram group. That advert is essentially a mini advert for their profile, explaining what kind of content they provide, and it includes some photos.
- Existing creators in the Telegram group interested in running a promotion look through the adverts until they find a suitable creator that offers similar content to their own – making it easier to ‘sell’ this person to their existing fanbase. For ease, we’ll call this creator the ‘promotor’.
- The promotor and the original creator agree on a fee, and then the creator sets up a free trial link for their profile, giving it to the promotor to use.
- The promotor begins promoting the link to their fans, aiming to get the creator as many sign-ups as possible from their own fan base.
- The creator is tasked with taking screenshots of the free trial link statistics on a regular basis so that there is evidence of how many subscribers are signing up to the trial
- At set intervals, or once the agreed number of subscribers has been reached, the creator pays the promotor for their services. Those intervals could be a number of subscribers, or they could be done on a time basis, e.g. every week.
- After a set amount of time or once a number of subscribers has been reached, the agreement ends.
It’s worth noting that the first two steps are often switched. While many people create their own adverts looking for a creator to promote them, often creator-promotors will be on the front foot and will be engaging with other creators on Telegram offering their services.
Why Telegram?
Most of the advertising for Guaranteed Gains promotions happens on Telegram, and that’s not really a surprise.
Telegram is rapidly emerging as one of the better choices for social apps for discussing topics that other social sites aren’t too keen on.
Services like Messenger and Instagram aren’t really suited to discussions around promoting adult content and they certainly aren’t too keen on users passing adult photos back and forth either. WhatsApp is owned by Facebook so that’s a strike against it, plus people like to use WhatsApp for their personal conversations linked to their cellphones. Using it for business as an OnlyFans creator means a dedicated second phone, or blending it with personal life, and that’s too far for some people.
Twitter? Not really, considering everything that’s happening there.
So, Telegram it is. It’s an app that makes it easy to message back and forth, it isn’t widely used by people in their personal lives, and there aren’t concerns about adult content being promoted or talked about on the service. It just fits.
How do I know a Guaranteed Gains promotion isn’t a scam?
If you’re asking how you can know whether a Guaranteed Gains promotion isn’t a scam, then you’re absolutely asking the right questions. It is very easy for someone to just pretend they are a creator with a lot of followers and charge you for fans to sign up for your page.
And you will get sign-ups, but they’ll be from fake accounts, and as soon as the scam promotor gets paid, you can bet that every single one of those fake fans will be unsubscribing before they have to pay for your content. Leaving you out of pocket, and with no actual gain.
Does this mean that Guaranteed Gains are a risk that isn’t worth taking? Not at all. You just have to be very careful in how you do it.
How to spot a scam
Guaranteed Gains promotions should only happen with other creators, or with people who have a web presence that you can verify – so established agencies that you can see independent reviews for.
Don’t trust a website that could’ve been mocked up by anyone with Photoshop, because it probably was. Or rather with tools more suitable for throwing together a website.
If the person you’re partnering with for a Guaranteed Gains promotion is a creator, consider getting in touch with their actual profile on OnlyFans or whatever platform they are on, and verifying that it really is them you’ve been speaking to on Telegram.
You may need to subscribe to them for a month in order to access their DMs, but it’s better to pay $15 now to make sure the person you’re talking to really is who they say they are, instead of paying a fake scammer $500 for a load of subscribers that turn out to be faked accounts.
Anyone could imitate another creator on Telegram, so as you’re getting close to making a deal, ask if you can just send a quick message on OnlyFans or the platform they work on. Use a coded message, with a reply, that doesn’t mention Guaranteed Gains (or the platform may not be happy).
Once you’ve agreed your message and reply on Telegram, message the creator on their fan page. If they reply with the correct phrase, you know they’re real and you can proceed with the deal.
If that’s not possible, ask for evidence that the fans are real. Most promotors on Telegram are happy to provide a video that shows they have the fan numbers they say they do. Don’t trust anyone who only sends images.
To be clear, video can also be faked, but it’s harder to do so. You should be able to spot signs of faked footage if you look carefully.
We can’t advise you to proceed with Guaranteed Gains if you’re worried about being scammed because there is a risk, but then there is a risk of getting scammed with many types of promotions, especially around OnlyFans.
The best advice is to do your due diligence into the creator offering to promote you, and only go ahead with the agreement if you’re happy that it is genuine.
How much do Guaranteed Gains promotions cost?
There is no fixed fee for Guaranteed Gains promotions but as a rough estimate, expect to pay somewhere between $0.50 and $1.50 per new subscriber.
That might sound like a great deal if you charge $5, $10 or $15 but remember you’re only paying to get subscribers to a free trial you offer.
You need to be crystal clear on the terms that you agree with a promotor, and you need to make sure you try to stick to pay-per-earner.
There are some people out there who offer what they call ‘guaranteed gains’ but they want an upfront fee – they might ask for say $500 or more in exchange for 500 fans.
If they want the fee upfront, question how they can guarantee you that number of new fans. They may talk about refund policies if things don’t work out, but do you want to take that risk?
Instead, we’d recommend sticking to promotions where you pay after the promotion has ended, or in regular intervals – you might agree to pay for every subscriber you’ve gained each week, for example.
Providing proof
You will be asked to prove how many free trials have been taken. The promotor can’t see that information because the trial is yours, and those statistics are in your control panel.
So don’t be surprised if the creator asks you to film the numbers, rather than taking screenshots. Just like how you don’t want to be scammed by a fake promotor, the real ones don’t want to be scammed by someone lying about the number of trials they’ve received.
And you’ll need to make sure you make any payments that you’ve agreed to as part of the deal. If you don’t then expect these experienced creators to have plenty of ways to trash your online career – it won’t be worth it.
Some creators may ask for an upfront fee alongside the per-gain cost. That’s not a scam, because they’re being upfront about the costs in a fair way. It just means they may be more expensive, or that there is more risk involved.
Is it better to pay $1 per fan for someone and gain 250 fans, or would you rather pay an upfront fee of $250 and then pay $0.5 for every new fan, and get 500 fans because the promotor is of a higher quality, and has a wider fan base?
The second option costs more, sure, but you get double the fans. So it’s not something to dismiss immediately.
Is it guaranteed to return a profit?
‘Guaranteed Gains’ is so-named because it is guaranteed to return you X number of subscribers to your account.
But in most cases, a free trial link is used, so you’re not actually making any money. You’re only gaining free subscribers, and then hoping that they continue to subscribe when their trial period ends.
That’s a lot of hope, and you absolutely will not retain every single one of the new subscribers you gain after those trials end. But you might keep enough to return a tidy profit.
Let’s say you reach an agreement to pay $1 per gain, and your normal subscription costs $5 a month. As part of the deal, you end up gaining 500 new fans on a free trial, meaning you’ve paid $500 in total.
Now if all of those fans become paying subscribers at the end of the trial, that’s $2500 you make, which is $2000 profit after you remove the $500 you paid.
Except it’s not, because that $2500 is monthly. If all 500 subscribers stay on for month two, that’s another $2500. In two months, you’ve made $4500 in profit.
Now let’s do a more pessimistic example – where only 10% of the new gains you make become paying subscribers.
That’s 50 new subscribers you keep, earning you $250. After month one, you’ve spent $500 acquiring these new subscribers, and only made $250 – which equals a $250 loss.
But you make that money back in month two. And by month three, you’re profitable – if you’ve kept the subscribers.
See, even if you only retain 2-3% of the new subscribers you gain, it might end up being profitable in the long term. Try to see the bigger picture, rather than focusing on making a quick buck.
What are the pros and cons of Guaranteed Gains promotions?
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of Guaranteed Gains promotions, summarized to help you decide whether this is something you feel you would like to try.
Pros of Guaranteed Gains
- You get a guaranteed boost in subscriber numbers, even if they are on a free trial
- If you work with the right person, the fans will already be interested in the content you create, as the promotor should be a creator making similar content
- You only pay when you get results
- You pay a one-off fee for subscribers but keep the money ongoing if they become paying subscribers
Cons of Guaranteed Gains
- There is a risk of being scammed if you aren’t diligent
- Your ‘guaranteed gains’ could all unsubscribe before the free trial ends, earning you no money
- You need to be comfortable with the advertising approach to your fan platform
Let’s just expand on that last one a little more, because there are some risks with any kind of on-platform promotion when it comes to OnlyFans and its rivals.
There are a lot of creators who keep their fan page pure – by that, we mean they only post content for their fans, they don’t do shoutouts or cross-promotions or anything like that.
And then there are other creators who have timelines filled with posts about other creators, including recommendations, collaborations and all sorts – basically, all promotions that other creators have paid for.
That can upset some subscribers, and not just the subscribers of the promoter’s account – it can sour you in their eyes too because it’s clear that you have paid to be featured.
You need to accept that some of the more genuine fans on these websites may look down on your profile because you’re clearly engaging in overt promotional tactics, trying to artificially boost your numbers.
Remember at this point that most people who visit these platforms as users don’t understand how much work is involved. They see it simply – the people who make the best content get the most subscribers.
What they don’t see is the competition, or just how hard it can be to make your voice heard. And so you might be an account that’s worth subscribing to, and your content may be awesome, but if you’re having to pay for promotion with another creator, these fans might suspect you’re not actually worth their time.
Of course, if they take a free trial then they should experience your content and should be able to make a fair judgement.
On that…
How to make the most of a Guaranteed Gains promotion
It is not good paying for a Guaranteed Gains promotion and taking on a large number of new subscribers for a free trial if you don’t then make the absolute most of the trial period.
You need to make sure you are at your absolute best, and that your profile is sparkling.
For this reason, it’s a bad idea to pay for Guaranteed Gains promotions when you’re just starting out. If you don’t have much of a post history, your new subscribers aren’t going to be too impressed.
They’ll feel like they haven’t got value, since there aren’t any posts to scroll through, and they’ll assume you’re a newbie who isn’t going to excite them.
So, make sure you have a lot of content live on your page already, and then keep adding to it during the trial.
You need to show these trial subscribers that you are someone who posts regularly and consistently, otherwise, why would they keep paying once their trial was up?
Finally, you need to be on your best form for engaging with these trial subscribers, and your regular subscribers too.
Invest more time during this trial to message people, talk to them, and get to know them. Make them feel special and show that you’re interesting and worth chatting to.
Do all of this and you can increase the percentage of people who continue their free trial into a paying sub. And that’s how you make Guaranteed Gains a success for you.
Is it worth it?
Guaranteed Gains is not for everyone and it is not an easy way to instantly build up subscriber numbers.
If anything, it’s probably one of the hardest ways to build fans, and yet there is a good chance of it being successful if you do put the effort it.
You’re going to be paying a decent-sized fee, and as long as you’ve followed the steps to avoid a scam, you’re going to get a lot of real people subscribing to your page on a free trial.
For this month (or however long the trial is), you have to be on it, and be at your very best. If you are, then you might just succeed in earning yourself a whole load of new paying fans who want to see your content on an ongoing basis.
But if you aren’t prepared to do the work to make sure you aren’t dealing with a scammer, and if you have other commitments that mean you can’t be as engaging as possible on your profile, don’t use Guaranteed Gains.
You’ll pay a lot of money to someone, and even if they do fulfil their end of the bargain, all you get is a load of free trial subscribers who aren’t impressed and who end their trial early.
Have you tried Guaranteed Gains, and has it worked for you, or did it backfire? Let us know in the comments below.