When you’re an OnlyFans content creator who genuinely cares about their fans, and who wants to make the most money, you’re going to be uploading a lot of content.
A lot.
And so it can be difficult to keep it all in check and to make it easy to find certain videos or photos in future. Having to sift through everything is painful for you, so imagine how it’ll feel for a horny user who wants to enjoy their favorite content of yours before their excitement levels die down?
That’s where labels can come in. Labels are extremely simple but they’re a powerful tool when they’re used in the right way.
Let’s take a look in more detail at what OnlyFans labels are, and how to best make use of them.
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What Are Labels?
OnlyFans labels work like tags or categories that creators use to organize their content. It's like putting your photos into albums or playlists, but for the stuff you share on OnlyFans.
Instead of scrolling through everything, users can click on a label and see all the similar content grouped together. So, whether it's spicy selfies or cooking tutorials, labels help creators and fans find what they're looking for without all the scrolling hassle.
They’ve been available on OnlyFans for a while now, but they are not an original feature. They were likely inspired by similar features on OnlyFans alternatives. Fansly has always had albums that work in the same way, and Fanvue has similar features too.
We rag on OnlyFans sometimes for not adding new features and relying on its own popularity, but credit to the platform for adding labels when it did.
Where Do Labels Appear On OnlyFans?
Labels always appear at the top of your feed for users and you. If you’re a creator you’ll also have a Labels tab in the menu but that’s for admin work – that’s not visible to users. They’ll only see labels when they’ve clicked on your profile and are browsing your content.
This has its pros and cons. Labels are meant to be used when someone’s browsing your profile, so they’re in a prominent enough position when they’ve clicked on that.
But users often subscribe to multiple different accounts, so their main feed will be a collated mix of different posts. And there’s no way of accessing the labels from the posts themselves – your fans would still need to click on your username and then find the labels from there.
It’s a bit of an oversight because you could definitely get creative with your label use to showcase some of your interesting categories of posts on the feeds, but maybe it’s something OnlyFans will add in the future.
How To Create Labels
Adding a label to your posts really couldn’t be easier. As you upload your post, there’ll be an Add Label button. Here you can either type in a new label or choose one that you’ve already created, and it’s as simple as that.
And yes, you can go back and add labels to older content. Don’t worry about having to start from scratch – you can quickly fill out your new labels by revisiting your older posts and editing them to add labels. It might be a lengthy task, but it’s worthwhile.
Stick your favorite music playlist on, grab some snacks, and spend a bit of quality time doing the admin. Your profile will look amazingly organized once you’re done.
How To Delete Labels
Sometimes you’ll want to remove a label. It might be that you’re changing strategy and getting rid of some of your content, or maybe you’ve just decided on a new way of categorizing things.
To do this, you’ll need to go to the Labels tab in the menu, and then click on the label you want to delete. Hit the three dots next to the label, and then choose the Delete option. Done.
Don’t worry – deleting a label will never delete the content that was tagged with that label. It only removes the label itself.
Keeping on top of your labels, and managing them effectively, will make your content much easier to browse. So don’t be afraid of deleting labels that aren’t working for you.
Choosing The Right Labels
There’s no simple answer to what labels you should be using for your content because it’s entirely bespoke to you. You are the one making the content, so you’ll know what different kinds of photos and videos you’re making.
As a starting point, a lot of people like to categorize their content by different levels of dress, or by sex act. So you might have a category for clothing, a category for underwear or lingerie, and a category for nude.
That’s simple enough, but then you’re the one who needs to decide how to categorize the videos where you get undressed!
Maybe you do it by different acts. You might have a label for masturbation videos, but a separate one for toys, and another for pillow grinding.
It’ll also depend on how you’ve monetized your content. If it’s a free account but your videos are almost exclusively PPV, then it might be best to just keep things really simple and use different labels for different price ranges – so one for Under $10, one for $10 to $20 etc.
It’s really down to you.
Clever Ways To Make The Most Of Labels
There are several ways you can make the most of labels on OnlyFans, and also some pitfalls that you’ll want to avoid. Follow these guidelines to make sure you’re using labels in the right way.
Avoid Redundant Labels
A lot of people confuse Labels with Keyword Tags but they really don’t work that way. Labels are purely designed to organize your content, they won’t help you appear in OnlyFans search results.
With that in mind, avoid using redundant labels that mean nothing, or don’t help your users to actually differentiate between your content.
An example – we’ve seen creators who use “redhead” as a label. Now, unless you’re changing your hair color in your content and you have different videos as a redhead, a blonde or a brunette, this is pointless because you’re a redhead in all your content.
Same with your region. Don’t add “Midwest”, or “British” or anything like that unless you actively change your accent in your content! You’re not helping people to find you.
Labels are purely there to act as filters for your content. They’re proven strategies for improving the OnlyFans experience for your fans. They are NOT going to make your profile more visible to a wider audience outside the OnlyFans universe.
Direct Your Fans
Labels have been around for a couple of years now, but not everyone knows about them, and OnlyFans is gaining new users all the time. Don’t assume that everyone with an OnlyFans account knows what labels are, or how to use them.
So, here’s a tip – once you’ve organized your posts into different categories and labeled them all – promote the labels! Tell your fans what you’ve done, and where to find the labels, and your subscribers are much more likely to start using them. Using a mass message for this is perfect.
Then don’t be afraid to give gentle nudges periodically for all the new subscribers you’ve attracted.
Stay Clutter-Free
Try to avoid going overkill when you categorize your content. It needs to give your fans a better experience – but taking personalization too far, and making too many tags, won’t help them at all.
There’s no set number for the right amount of labels but if you’ve gone past 10, you’re probably splitting your page down too far. You want users to easily scroll the labels to filter your content, but not have to search for ages to find the right label for them.
Use Proper English
A minor bugbear, but a genuine one worth considering – don’t assume that, because labels live in a small space at the top of your feed, by default you have to use abbreviations and note-form English to make each one as short as possible.
It’s fine to use abbreviations where it’s obvious and helpful. People can work out what “BJ” means, for example.
But using wacky capital letters or weird tricks to keep word counts down will only confuse your fans. They might have some knowledge of the content you’re making, but they won’t know what you mean by certain words or phrases.
Stick to simple language, spelt correctly, just to make it easier for users to navigate your content and enjoy it.
Research Your Fanbase
The absolutely crucial step when working out how to organize your content is to understand what different labels your fanbase will actually care about. So it’s time to research your audience and learn more about them.
For starters, simply click on the profiles of other similar content creators to see what labeling system they’re using. Does it look clean, and easy to use, and does it improve the experience?
Now get on social media and see what kind of content your typical fans seem most interested in. Check out subreddits in particular, and explore how posts on there are tagged, or what users seem to be saying in their comments.
Every bit of information you can gather can help you to improve your labels so that your fans can find the videos and photos they enjoy the most and have a better time exploring your profile.
Final Word
Labels might seem really simple, but they can be game changers when it comes to earning more money through your site. Basically, if you’re able to give your fans easier access to the specific content they like, they’re more likely to continue to subscribe, or maybe pay for that PPV content which could be your big earner.
The key is to be organized and listen to your fans in terms of creating the labels that they want to see. If you can nail that, then you can make your profile really easy to use, and your subscribers will love you all the more for it.